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The judicial system in Abu Dhabi, as in any advanced legal framework, upholds principles of finality and stability in litigation outcomes. A recent case before the Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation demonstrates the court’s steadfast application of these principles, particularly in the context of appeals and motions for reconsideration.

Background of the Case

The dispute centered on a partnership agreement involving the establishment of a commercial center. The claimants alleged that the defendant had failed to share profits as agreed and had sold the center without their consent, violating the terms of their partnership. They sought the annulment of the partnership agreement, restitution of profits, and damages. Concurrently, the defendant argued that the agreement should be nullified, citing inequitable terms, including a clause that allegedly placed the risk of loss solely on the defendant.

After extensive proceedings, including expert witness testimony and multiple appeals, the court ruled partially in favor of the claimants. It ordered the defendant to pay significant sums as restitution for unpaid profits, with interest. Subsequent appeals adjusted these amounts, but the core rulings remained largely intact.

Motion for Reconsideration and Legal Precedents

In 2023, the defendant filed a motion for reconsideration under procedural rules that allow such motions only in specific circumstances, such as new evidence or fraud. The court found merit in the motion, revisited the earlier ruling, and significantly reduced the damages owed. Despite this modification, the defendant later filed a second motion for reconsideration in 2024, citing additional grounds.

The Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation dismissed this second motion on the grounds of legal doctrine prohibiting repetitive motions for reconsideration on the same judgment. The court underscored that such motions are intended to ensure justice without undermining the finality of judicial decisions.

Key Legal Principles Highlighted

  1. Finality of Judgments: The court reaffirmed that final judgments are binding and not subject to perpetual contestation. This principle ensures the stability of legal relationships and prevents indefinite litigation.
  2. Limits on Reconsideration: The rules surrounding reconsideration motions are strictly construed. A litigant cannot file multiple motions on the same judgment, even if the grounds for the new motion were not raised or discovered during the earlier proceeding.
  3. Public Policy Considerations: The court emphasized that procedural rules serve broader public policy objectives, including judicial efficiency and the preservation of resources. Allowing repetitive reconsideration motions would burden the judiciary and compromise the predictability of legal outcomes.


The Court’s Ruling

The court ruled that the second motion for reconsideration was inadmissible. It also ordered the defendant to bear the costs of the litigation, including a fixed amount for legal fees to the opposing party. The court further ordered the forfeiture of any deposits made in connection with the inadmissible motion.

Implications of the Ruling

This case serves as a cautionary tale for litigants seeking to revisit judicial decisions. It underscores the importance of presenting all relevant arguments and evidence during the initial proceedings and within the permissible scope of the first reconsideration motion. Repetitive motions not only fail procedurally but also expose litigants to additional financial liabilities.


The Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation’s judgment reflects its commitment to upholding the integrity and efficiency of the legal system. By enforcing the principle of finality, the court ensures that justice is not only served but also sustained in a manner that respects the procedural boundaries established by law. This case is a reminder of the balance courts must strike between fairness to individual litigants and the broader need for judicial stability.

Having said that, Contact Khairallah Advocates & Legal Consultants and benefit from our free 30-min legal consultation.

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