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The Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) has published its updated Table of Fees and Costs for proceedings initiated on or after January 1, 2025. This table outlines the registration fees, tribunal fees, administrative fees, and expenses applicable to arbitration, emergency arbitration, and conciliation proceedings under DIAC’s Arbitration Rules.

General Provisions and Payment Guidelines

The fees are expressed in USD for reference, though all payments must be made in AED through direct bank transfers to DIAC’s designated account. DIAC emphasizes the importance of verifying its bank account details as it does not communicate account changes via email. Payments are accepted only from accounts held by the parties involved or their authorized representatives, with all bank transfer charges borne by the paying party. Additionally, VAT may apply to the fees at prevailing rates.

By paying an advance on costs, parties pledge their rights over any amounts paid as security for liabilities related to fees and costs. These advances should include references to payment requests or case details for accurate processing.

Fees in DIAC Arbitration

The registration fee for DIAC arbitration is fixed at USD 3,000 and is non-refundable. Tribunal fees are calculated based on the amount in dispute, following a detailed sliding scale. For instance, disputes involving amounts up to USD 25,000 attract a tribunal fee between USD 2,000 and USD 8,000 per arbitrator, while disputes exceeding USD 100 million are subject to tribunal fees determined by the Arbitration Court based on the complexity of the case.

Administrative fees follow a similar structure, starting at USD 3,000 for amounts up to USD 25,000. For higher amounts, the fees increase progressively, with disputes over USD 100 million requiring a court-determined administrative fee. Additional expenses, such as arbitrator costs, VAT, or expert fees, are charged separately and are based on actual expenses incurred during the proceedings.


Emergency Arbitration Costs

Emergency arbitration involves separate fees, including a USD 3,000 registration fee, a USD 35,000 fee for the emergency arbitrator, and a USD 15,000 administrative fee. All fees must be paid in full, failing which the application for emergency arbitration will be withdrawn. In exceptional cases, the Arbitration Court may adjust these fees, considering the case’s complexity and the efforts of the arbitrator and DIAC.

Conciliation Fees and Costs

DIAC conciliation proceedings have a registration fee of USD 2,000, which is non-refundable. The conciliator’s fee is set at USD 4,000 for case preparation and an additional USD 4,000 per hearing day. If the case requires more extensive preparation or additional hearings, the Arbitration Court may increase the conciliator’s fee. Administrative fees for conciliation are calculated based on the amount in dispute, starting at USD 2,000 for disputes up to USD 25,000, with proportional increases for larger disputes.


The 2025 DIAC Table of Fees and Costs provides a transparent framework for parties engaged in arbitration or conciliation proceedings. By aligning fees with the complexity and monetary value of disputes, DIAC ensures a fair and efficient cost structure. These updates emphasize clarity and efficiency, reinforcing DIAC’s commitment to being a leading international arbitration institution.

Having said that, Contact Khairallah Advocates & Legal Consultants and benefit from our free 30-min legal consultation.

*Disclaimer: our blogs, law updates and FAQ’s are freely distributed for educational purposes and to showcase recent updates and regulations in the UAE’s framework.

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